When we talk about travelling or being away from home with your portable devices/gadgets, the devices (powered type) would eventually run out of battery or power if you stay outside. Power banks will be very valuable in most cases especially you are outside from any places that could give you power supply. But there are […]

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Power bank is pretty common nowaday especially when you own a phone or portable device where you would need to charge them as and when needed. But some of us may find it troublesome to bring along an extra device like power bank (sometimes they could be pretty bulky) plus don’t leave the charging cable […]

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Its a key chain! No its a power bank! No its a charging/data cable! The truth is, CulCharge 3-in-1 Powerbank for iPhone or for Android is a key chain + power bank + charging cable + data cable. All in one tiny key chain.   Some of us may find it inconvenient to bring along […]

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When you travel (say for work or even just for leisure) and so happen that you realised that you need to bring along your USB wired/wireless mouse. At times, you may find it difficult to organise and slot it into your traveling bag. Some of the reason that I can think of for being troublesome […]

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You may notice that compact devices or portable devices (tablets or laptop such as the 2 in 1 laptop or pocket laptop itself) do offer video extension option. This make total sense as often portable devices are heavily used by travelers  (for business purposes for example), and they may need to hook it up to […]

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