The GPD team has come up with a new gadget under their handheld gaming console line and this time around the GPD WIN Max offers more powerful specs than the predecessor like the GPD WIN 2 has offered to better support games that falls under the triple-A range. And you can spot the summary below: […]

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Astro Slide is one of the first 5G smartphone with a full physical keyboard built-in in the market. If you are someone that travels a lot and demand for productivity on the go, this cool smartphone could be the answer for you. This smartphone is running with OS Android 10 and it supports Linux multi-boot […]

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For travelers who enjoy music or entertainment (with audio form) even when they are traveling, it could some time be pretty inconvenient to bring heaps of audio component (some could be bulky) along to fulfill their need. The POLATAP Hybrid Noise Cancelling Kit, could be a more convenient solution but still fulfill your audio loving […]

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It is always a priority to bring less items/gadgets with you whenever you are traveling. You may opt to save up more storage space for other travel essentials or to reduce the storage weight for better travel experience. The Ventev Powercell 6010+ is a power bank that could help you to reduce the number of […]

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