Wool & Oak 5 in 1 Bag – A carry all combination bags for traveller

Travelling with heaps of essential or necessary items can be a pain. It may lead to bringing along many different baggage to fit all the different items. It will be troublesome too to have to think about how all these bags were to be carried. The decision to check in or hand carrying any of these bags at the airport can be a headache too. Some of us may still prefer to bring alone different bags to organise the different group of items when traveling. It would be pretty encouraging if these bags can be easily carried all at one.
And the Wool & Oak Modular 5 in 1 bags can do exactly that. The Wool & Oak team has designed a few different bags for different purposes. But they can be easily attached with one another to turn into a pro baggage. These bags can be sold separately and they come in two different elegant looking colors. These bags may not necessarily be used for weekend traveling purposes. They offer a PRO backpack that is suitable to be used as a day to day bag. This backpack can be used to organise your laptop and any other work or laptop accessories neatly.
They also offer the DUFFLE mode bag. This DUFFLE back can be carried in a backpack mode too if you prefer a hand-free carrying format. And both the PRO and DUFFLE bags can be integrated with one another to turn into a carry on bag too. This would make one’s travel especially at the airport extremely convenient. Yet, many of the essentials can still be fit into these bags. It depends on the travel duration and what is required during the travel, it is possible that your travel items can all be carried with a combination of just the Wool & Oak bags. Check-in luggage may not even be necessary in this case.
Each bag have their own organising features and design. Also they offer other bag designed that can fit well with the PRO or DUFFLE bags too. To browse through the details of this elegant and all in one travel bag, tech it out @KICKSTARTER!